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https://www.moviestorebd.com/bad-girl-trilogy/feed/ 0
Six Days Seven Nights https://www.moviestorebd.com/six-days-seven-nights/ https://www.moviestorebd.com/six-days-seven-nights/#respond Mon, 26 Feb 2024 11:14:46 +0000 https://www.moviestorebd.com/six-days-seven-nights/ In the South Pacific island of Makatea, career-driven magazine editor Robin Monroe is on a week-long vacation getaway with her boyfriend, Frank Martin. An emergency work assignment in neighboring Tahiti requires Robin to hire the cantankerous pilot Quinn Harris who had flown them to the island on a sea plane. While flying, a powerful storm forces Quinn to make an emergency landing on a nearby deserted island. The dissimilar pair avoid each other at first, until they’re forced to team up to escape from the island — and some pirates who want their heads.

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